Doral Chamber of Commerce Proudly Endorses Juan Fernandez-Barquin (Vote #70) for Miami-Dade Clerk of Court and Comptroller
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Doral Chamber of Commerce Proudly Endorses Juan Barquin (Vote #70) for Miami-Dade Clerk of Court and Comptroller

Juan Fernandez-Barquin exemplifies leadership and dedication to the residents of Miami-Dade County. With a robust background as a former Florida State Representative and now as Miami-Dade’s Clerk of Court and Comptroller, Fernandez-Barquin has continually demonstrated his commitment to integrity, transparency, and public service. In this role, he safeguards public records and taxpayer resources, modernizing the office to provide efficient and accessible services for residents across the county.
As Clerk of Court, Fernandez-Barquin has overseen significant initiatives, such as expanded online services and the implementation of innovative payment plans. His commitment to community service extends beyond his office; he has actively supported local programs addressing issues from property fraud to the expungement of eligible records, providing essential resources to Miami-Dade’s residents and
upholding public trust.
For his unwavering dedication to the community and his role as a steward of public funds and records, the Doral Chamber of Commerce proudly endorses Juan Fernandez-Barquin (Vote #70) for Miami-Dade Clerk of Court and Comptroller. His service continues to build trust and security for our county’s future.